Use "was on his mind|be on his mind" in a sentence

1. He focused his mind on his lessons.

2. The spectre of unemployment was always on his mind.

3. 22 The plane crash was branded on his mind.

4. Over the food, Richard blurted out what was on his mind.

5. 21 His mind dwelt on the sad events.

6. The events left their stamp on his mind.

7. Hank's got enough on his mind right now.

8. 3 His mind dwelt on the sad events.

9. He makes up his mind and unswervingly acts on his decision.

10. He had already forgotten Scarlett's heartbreak and his mind was only on playuing his valet.

11. His mind dwelt on the sad events.

12. His mind was stammering and his hands twitching.

13. It was that topmost apple on which he had set his mind.

14. His old frame was too sturdily healthy to Be affected By his mind.

15. The man had escape on his mind, not dalliance.

16. The terrible scenes were indelibly imprinted on his mind.

17. But his main preoccupation was with the unfinished Requiem, which had begun to prey on his mind.

18. His heart was thumping and his mind was a complete blank.

19. He was always absence in his mind.

20. His mind was tainted with evil thoughts.

21. His mind is not a mind for affliction.

22. 19 Malcolm was continually changing his mind.

23. He was convinced Jeopardy would hate him for ever, change his mind about the performance, change his mind about his prowess.

24. 10 But his main preoccupation was with the unfinished Requiem, which had begun to prey on his mind.

25. Dad must be going out of his mind.

26. His mind seemed to be acting like mercury.

27. His mind is active.

28. Aziz tried to fix his mind on the job at hand.

29. He lost his mind.

30. His mind has stagnated since his retirement.

31. But the true history of the Lord Hasan - Hasan the Second, on his name be peace - was mind-boggling stuff.

32. He made up his mind to do this, and was about to pounce on the cat.

33. God’s active force was at work on Jesus’ mind and heart, guiding his thinking and decisions.

34. He worked with Ramsey on several ecumenical committees and respected his mind.

35. The problem was settled and his mind was at peace.

36. His mind was in a whirl and he was worried.

37. Sometimes at lunch he'll bring up something if something's on his mind.

38. You never know what's going on in that sneaky mind of his.

39. Sometimes his mind would dwell on the horrors he had been through.

40. It was a temporary Aberration of his exhausted mind

41. He was sensible enough to mind his own business.

42. His mind was hyperactive, turning over possibilities, sketching sceneries.

43. 22 His mind suddenly clarified.

44. His mind was boiling with mirth,fear and pride.

45. His mind was besotted with fear,ignorance and superstition.

46. Something was nagging in the back of his mind.

47. Something was gnawing at the back of his mind.

48. Wild notions inhabit his mind.

49. Her mind was on getting water.

50. His mind seems completely vacant.

51. He changed his mind mistily.

52. 2 His anxieties threatened to unbalance his mind.

53. 18 His teacher at the private school was astounded by his quick mind.

54. His spirit and his mind are fighting for his family.

55. Obispal was simply uppermost in his mind because of that particular Inquisitor being on the eye-screen.

56. Roddy Ricch Admires Kanye West For Opening His Mind But Not For Pissing On His Grammy Award

57. Penguin lost his mind on national TV, just like you said he would.

58. 5 Sometimes his mind would dwell on the horrors he had been through.

59. God’s spirit poured out upon Jesus doubtless illuminated his mind on many points.

60. He must keep his mind absolutely clear in order to concentrate on Ian.

61. You needed his mind because he was smarter than you.

62. Is denying reports the he was Coked out of his mind during his speech at the Republican National Convention on Monday night.

63. 18 His mind was hyperactive, turning over possibilities, sketching sceneries.

64. The error was obvious to an incisive mind like his.

65. An idea was beginning to take shape in his mind.

66. His mind was like a sponge, ready to absorb anything.

67. He will be able to return on compassionate leave - particularly if it helps to focus his mind on the Test series.

68. The key to his success is his logical mind.

69. The more he reads it, the more its good counsel will be impressed on his mind and heart.

70. Doubts began to fret his mind.

71. The resentment festered in his mind.

72. Impalpable ideas floating through his mind.

73. Reading bad books tainted his mind.

74. His presence of mind deserted him.

75. This figurative habit of his mind crippled his judgement.

76. His wife's death disturbed the balance of his mind.

77. His mind was in such a whirl that he could hardly compose his thoughts.

78. In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind.

79. His autobiography provides an illuminating insight into his mind.

80. 17 Many problems occupied his mind.